Европейский журнал экспериментальной биологии Открытый доступ


Effects of aerobic exercise on SHGB, bone density in overweight middle-aged women

Shekoufeh Sokhanvardastjerdi, Mandana Golami, Fariba Hafezi and Navid Khanzadeh G. P.

The aim of this study was to Effects of aerobic exercise on SHGB, bone density in Overweight middle-aged women 45 females 38 to 43 years with a body mass index of 38 to 43 into two groups (30 active and 15 inactive) groups. Plan active group consisted of 30 minutes of aerobic exercise per day, five days a week for three months. Aerobic activities include warm-up and cool-down and find the treadmill was 65 to 70 percentVO2max.Blood samples for 24 hours before and 24 hours after the last training session was and IBLGermankits and ELISA test were measured. BMD of the 15 days before the start of the program And 24 hours after the last session was assessed by DEXA. Three months of aerobic exercise on October BMD showed a significant effect (P <0.05).Three months of aerobic exercise does not significant effect on hip BMD (P> 0.05).Impact of aerobic exercise on changes in SHBG (P <0.05). Three months of physical activity on bone density has increased. However, due to differences in bone tissue regeneration of the spine and hip bone to hip bone requires more time and also Physical activity may be Decrease SHBG levels in premenopausal women isOf course, the need for more research in other age groups and in different circumstances are.