История болезни гинекологии и акушерства Открытый доступ


Fragmented Sleep is linked to Cognitive Function Decline in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy

Kerry Madvin*, Anne Kat

Sleep quality deteriorates frequently in late pregnancy. In accordance with these findings, a minor objective cognitive decrease in pregnant women has been discovered in earlier investigations by other researchers. For the consolidation of memories, sleep is crucial. The study's main hypothesis was that a decline in sleep quality during pregnancy would contribute to cognitive impairment. The Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Medical University of Warsaw recruited 19 pregnant women in their third trimester of pregnancy for the study, and 20 non-pregnant women served as controls. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale vocabulary subtest, the D2 Attention Test, the OSPAN task (Operational Span Task), autography to look at sleep patterns, and questionnaire were used in the assessment.