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Influence of plant geometry and nutrition doses on seed quality parameters of sweet corn (Zea mays L.) during storage

Sreedhar M., Shanti J., Kanaka Durga K., Keshavulu K. and Aparna M.

Influence of four plant geometries and three nutrition doses on seed quality parameters during storage was studied using Sweet corn cultivar Madhuri in a Randomized block design with factorial concept. The analysis of bimonthly data on seed storage potential after six months indicated significant influence of storage period on all the five seed quality parameters evaluated. The interaction effects between storage, plant geometry and nutrition doses were also highly significant. Marked decline in germination percentage, seedling dimensions and corresponding vigour index was noticed over a period of six months. However, germination percentage did not go below 90 per cent which is much above the minimum seed certification standard of 80 per cent. The study also indicated that shoot length was the most sensitive seed quality parameter affected by ageing due to storage under ambient conditions. The study revealed that the superior combinations for yield and yield components also performed desirably for seed quality attributes indicating better storage potential under ambient conditions. In this context, treatment combinations viz., 45 x 20 cm /120:60:45 NPK kg ha-1, 60 x 15 cm / 150:75:45 NPK kg ha-1, 60 x 20 cm / 120:60:45 NPK kg ha-1, 60 x 20 cm / 150:75:45 NPK kg ha-1 performed better at the end of six months of storage in terms germination and seedling parameters

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