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Making the best use of a radiology department: an example of implementation of a referral guideline within a primary care organisation

Paul Twomey

This paper reports the experience of developing and implementing a guideline to improve ordering of x-rays by general practitioners (GPs). The guideline was developed by the North East Lincolnshire Primary Care Trust (PCT), in conjunction with the local radiology department at Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital. The aim of the guideline was to facilitate more e¡ective working between the radiology department and GPs by promoting an evidence-based use of radiology services and fulŽ lling the Ionisation and Radiation (Medical Exposures) Regulations 2000. This paper reports the method followed to develop and implement the guideline and re? ects a common framework utilised by the Directorate of Clinical Governance within North East Lincolnshire PCT. The outcome of the implementation of the guideline is reviewed together with an assessment of the implications for future service development. The characteristics of what makes a guideline successful are considered. Within this, the role and current challenges experienced by the PCT are highlighted

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