Журнал инфекционных заболеваний и лечения Открытый доступ


Ocular Tuberculosis: Clinical Profile, Management and Outcome at Tertiary Hospital in South India

Aliya Sultana

Aim: Aim is to study the various clinical manifestations in the cases of Ocular TB, management and outcome of these patients. Study design: Retrospective study. Duration of study: Two years duration from June 2017 to June 2019. Source of study: Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India. Materials and methods: All patients presented to Vitreo Retina department with various complaints were studied. Data collected from medical records. Patients underwent detailed ocular and systemic examination, BCVA, Slit lamp examination, fundus examination, fundus florescence angiography, B scans, OCT. In systemic examination uveitic work up done like CBP, ESR, Montoux test, Chest X ray; HIV, VDRL and Rheumatological work up. Based upon clinical presentation patients were treated with ATT (Anti tuberculosis treatment) and steroids. Systemic steroids (oral and intra venous), peri bulbar steroids and intravitreal steroids were used based on severity, unilateral or bilateral involvement. Results: Patients who presented early showed good response to the treatment, few patients who lost follow up after initial examination developed secondary glaucoma, painful blind eye and few eyes became physical due to irregular management. Conclusion: Ocular TB is one of the causes of blindness in uveitis cases, delayed presentation can cause complications and blindness, early diagnosis and proper management is required.