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Temporal Organization of Electrolytes and Trace Elements Homeostasis in Cardiovascular Pathology and in Immobilization Stress

Babayan LA, Chibisov SM, Gulyan AK, Sarafyan PK, Ivanyan SA*, Mirzoyan IA, Gasparyan NA, Paronikyan RG, Gaboyan GS and Zohrabyan MA

Four hours urine and blood specimen were collected over a span of 48-120 hours from 70 healthy subjects, 100 patients with ischemic heart disease, 100 hypertensive patients, 15 intact rabbits, 20 rabbits under the action of stress. Each specimen was analyzed for electrolytes (Na, K, P, Cl, Ca, Mg) and trace elements (Fe, Cu, Zn, Cr, Cd, V). Rhythm parameters were estimated by dispersion analysis for non-sinusoidal rhythms and by nonlinear least squares method for sinusoidal rhythms. In the healthy subjects in 91% cases of rhythmological investigations urinary excretion electrolytes and trace elements statistically significant rhythms were observed. In the healthy subjects and in the intact rabbits the rhythms of electrolytes and trace elements were circadian in 75-92% of cases. Acrophases of rhythms were mostly individual. In early stage of cardiovascular pathology and in the rabbits under the action of stress the rhythms of electrolytes and trace elements were statistically non- significant in 20-43% of cases. Among significant rhythms the infradian ones (45-60%) prevailed. In late stage of cardiovascular pathology the rhythms of electrolytes and trace elements were statistically nonsignificant in 31-33% of cases. Among the significant rhythms the circadian ones (48-54%) prevailed.