Качество первичной медико-санитарной помощи Открытый доступ

Объем 18, Проблема 2 (2010)

Исследовательская работа

Views of German general practitioners on the clinical indicators of the British Quality and Outcomes Framework: a qualitative study

  • Eva Hummers-Pradier, Henricus van den Heuvel, Peter Mand, Susanne Heim

Исследовательская работа

Use of interval based quality indicators in blood pressure management to enhance quality of pay for performance incentives: comparison to two indicators from the Quality and Outcomes Framework

  • Thusitha Mabotuwana, Jim Warren, C Raina Elley, John Kennelly, Chris Paton, Debra Warren, Kuinileti Chang Wai, Stewart Wells

Дискуссионный документ

Quality and Outcomes Framework: smoke and mirrors?

  • Mark Ashworth, Maria Kordowicz

Дискуссионный документ

Pay for performance schemes in primary care: what have we learnt?

  • Stephen Peckham, Andrew Wallace

Дискуссионный документ

A review of the public health impact of the Quality and Outcomes Framewor

  • Anna Dixon, Artak Khachatryan
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