Резюме ежегодного собрания
Why our body acts against facts of physics in fever
Urinary bisphenol - A: Its relation to food intake and packaging in Egyptian children
The treatment of purulent meningitis in children 2 months-14 years
The pros and cons of probiotics for kids where we stand
Sandifers syndrome: Three case reports and review
Recent natural management modalities in a newly diagnosed diabetic patient: A review of diet, exercise and natural products!
Recent emerging gut microbiota management modalities in acute cases of diarrhea in children (A comparative study review about use of probiotics) an update!
Protein energy wasting in a sample of Egyptian children on regular hemodialys: Relation to anorexigenic hormones
Our daily use chemical products "The enemy we trust" phthalates, risks & challenge to avoid: An update!
Linear growth and neurobehavioral outcome in preterm neonates (<34 weeks) at 37 weeks and 40 weeks of corrected gestational age: A prospective observational study
Goharys phenomenon revisited
Evaluating different stressors in pediatric patients parents
Effect of diet modification on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder outcome and its relation to serum sphingosin - 1 - phosphate
Burnside and correlation analysis transition of body into postmenopausal vaginal bleeding analysis sonographic criteria in diagnosis of endometrial carcinoma study of less sunlight
Beware of angry employees to play a villain examination of skin pulp living with Burnside Pharmacy Institute in Pune University specialized study
Past Conference Editorial of Pediatrics Health 2020