Качество первичной медико-санитарной помощи Открытый доступ

Объем 20, Проблема 1 (2012)

Исследовательская работа

Referral Writer: preliminary evidence for the value of comprehensive referral letters

  • Moyez Jiwa, Satvinder Dhaliwal

Исследовательская работа

Primary healthcare response to family violence: a Delphi evaluation tool

  • Claire Gear, Jane Koziol McLain, Denise Wilson, Ngaire Rae, Hayley Samuel, Faye Clark, Edith McNeill

Дискуссионный документ

NICE and the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) 2009–2011

  • Tim Stokes, Helen Lester, Daniel Sutcliffe, John Hutton

Международный обмен

Increasing the general level of academic capacity in general practice: introducing mandatory research training for general practitioner trainees through a participatory research process

  • Charlotte Tulinius, Anni Brit Sternhagen Nielsen, Lars J Hansen, Rikke Dalsted, Christian Hermann, Lioudmila Vlasova

Исследовательская работа

Group counselling improves quality for patients with limited health literacy

  • Kristin M Anderson, Seth C Holloway, Nafeesa Sultana, Wendy E Braund, Linda M Harris, Lilly VK Siems
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