Качество первичной медико-санитарной помощи Открытый доступ

Объем 21, Проблема 4 (2013)

Исследовательская работа

Quality of thyroid referrals in Saskatchewan

  • Kerollos Wanis, Jennifer Oucharek, Gary Groot

Исследовательская работа

Prescription in patients with chronic heart failure and multimorbidity attended in primary care

  • Michel Wensing, Jose M Verdu? -Rotellar, Josep Comin-Colet, Josep Davins-Miralles, Eduardo Hermosilla, Rosa Sun? ol, Eva Frigola-Capell

Отчет об улучшении качества

Leadership and management for quality

  • A Niroshan Siriwardena, Steve Gillam

Исследовательская работа

Exploring representations and experiences of case-management users: towards difficulties and solutions to leading qualitative interviews with older people with complex living conditions

  • Frederic Balard, Stephanie Pin Le Corre, Hele` ne Trouve, Olivier Saint-Jean, Dominique Somme
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